Blogs that discuss films that recognize diversities in casting and storytelling

Step into the world of film criticism as we present movies in the form of reviews which do not simply evaluate the film's artistic or technical quality, but also draw similarities between the story and human experiences, and thereby, highlighting the film's potential to stir strong emotions and cause deep (click blog) reflections in the viewers all

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I Need You Dead! - Director Interview with Rocko Zevenbergen

The movie you HAVE to see to believe, I Need You Dead! is available now on streaming services and physical media, and it's (blog) ...Source: I Need You Dead! - Director Interview with Rocko Zevenbergen - sci-fi movie reviews Decker Shado More Videos funny horror movies

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Skinned Deep (2004) review

A homage to classic grindhouse horror cinema from 2004, Skinned Deep doesn't shy away from its inspiration at all in its aesthetic. Presented in a 4 by 3 aspect ratio, with heavy film grain and overdubbed dialogue, you don't even need the story of a middle-of-nowhere family of maniacs to Skinned Deep 2004 Decker Shado make this one feel unnervi

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